Reported speech grammar explanation pdf file

Grammar worksheet reported speech from present simple questions. Direct speech and reported speech indirect speech are used as follows. Reported speech summary reported commands and requests in english. Repeat the question word, or use if or whether for yes no questions. Verbs in the present simple change to the past simple. Reported speech english grammar today cambridge dictionary. A possible explanation for why your students used were in their answers might be that they had mistaken the subordinate closed interrogative if for a conditional if. February 25, 2016 sentences are given in direct speech. Tense changes when using reported speech normally, the tense in reported speech is one tense back in time from the tense in direct speech. This is because when we use reported speech, we are usually talking about a time in the past because obviously the person who spoke originally. A pdf file neatly presenting these words and extra information can be found here. Introduction there are two ways of relating what a person has said. Reported speech worksheets pdf with answers english grammar.

In particular, tenses in indirect speech have nothing special about them. The rules for changing the tense of the verb from direct speech are presented and practised. English grammar reported speech 1 reported speech direct and indirect or reported speech. In the third exercise, students transform the reported questions into direct questions. One element of that is direct and indirect speech, or when. Do not change the tense if the introductory clause is in simple present e. Statement word order, change the pronouns and move the tense back if necessary. They are very, very common in english, especially when youre talking to someone you dont know. Reported speech explanation perfect english grammar. Answers these are the exact words frank said to you yesterday. Reported speech present perfect continuous tense exercise direct and indirect speech exercise present perfect continuous tense solved with answers pdf. On the other hand, if the reporting verb is in the past tense, then usually we.

However, we use indirect questions in a different way from reported questions. These modal verbs do not change in reported speech. Reported speech tense shifting chart showing indirect speech to direct speech tense shift present simple to past simple, present continuous to past continuous, etc. Rs004 reported speech indirect commands intermediate. Reported speech is also known as indirect speech and is used to tell somebody else what another person said. A custom grammar constraint based on a list of words or phrases defined in a speech recognition grammar specification srgs file that can be recognized by the speechrecognizer object. All downloads are in pdf format and consist of a worksheet and answer sheet to check your results. Download the following pdf file and open it with acrobat reader, otherwise the game will not work. Reported speech is the report of one speaker or writer on the words spoken, written, or thought by someone else.

In this post i try to simplify the rules about the reported speech or indirect speech as much as possible. We often make a speakers words or thoughts part of our own sentence, using conjunctions e. I prepared this video for use in my middle school 4th year english class in austria, for 14 year olds, for the flipped classroom format. Tenses in reported speech tenses in reported speech are more past because were not talking at the same time as the speake. Reported speech answers answers to reported speech. Reported questions say who was talking and use a reporting verb. Lots of reported speech exercises practise using free interactive quizzes.

When you form the reported speech, you have to pay attention that the pronouns refer to the correct persons examples. The most widely used verbs in reported speech that introduce what someone said are say and tell. This is a powerpoint presentation with sound to learn reported speech. However, for many learners indirect speech is mostly unproblematic. Section 20 indirect speech oxford university press. Choosing which one to use is a question of whether the person who was originally addressed is important or not, since with say this person is very rarely introduced into the conversation. He said i dont like football in reported speech, however, we tell what someone said without repeating his exact words.

When you form the reported speech, you have to pay attention that the pronouns refer to the correct persons. This is very similar to the grammar of reported questions. See the sentences below with direct and indirect speech forms, these are great references to understand the difference. Reported speech exercises, pdf with answers and rules. There is mind map describing the basic rules, a video and two games to practise the grammar. It is also important that you use an indirect question in reported speech, i. There are also some important notes about the main rules to report statements. Thats why when we remake direct speech into reported we need to go one tense back. She asked me if i had studied reported speech before.

They feel that there are many rules they have to follow and they often get confused. In direct speech we repeat the original speakers exact words. Reported questions if you use a question in reported speech, follow the steps described on our page reported speech summary changing of the person, backshift of tenses, shifting of expressions of timeplace in reported speech the question becomes a statement. Reported speech or indirect speech free english grammar. Reported speech exercises alex told that he was trying hard to solve that narration exercise.

Youre absolutely right, one sentence is direct speech and one sentence is reported speech. Sometimes someone says a sentence, for example im going to the cinema tonight. Sep 29, 2015 51 videos play all 6 minute grammar improve your knowledge in just 6 minutes bbc learning english how to acquire any language not learn it. Use these sentences to give yourself a feel for how each word can be used, and maybe even to expose yourself to the grammar that you will be learning shortly. Reported questions so now you have no problem with making reported speech from positive and negative sentences. Common sense, together with the time aspect from the speakers point of view, are more important than the rules when making the. May 30, 2014 many students struggle with reported speech. In direct speech we repeat exactly what someone said. This kind of structure is called indirect or reported speech.

Reported speech present perfect continuous tense exercise. Reported questions if you use a question in reported speech, follow the steps described on our page reported speech summary changing of the person, backshift of tenses, shifting of expressions of timeplace. The teacher said to the boys, have you done your homework. Understanding and using english grammar, 3rd edition.

The verbtell, requires the person addressed to be explicit they told me that he couldnt come. Reported speech grammar explanation games to learn. Reported speech definition in the cambridge english. In reported speech the question becomes a statement. Learning to use proper grammar is an important part of studying the french language. Reported speech or indirect speech free english grammar lesson. With direct speech, the statement question request is made directly. This is a general view of direct and reported speech in different tenses as an english grammar lesson online for intermediate level students. Reported speech worksheets, pdf exercises, handouts to print. In indirect speech we give the exact meaning of a remark or a speech, without necessarily using the speakers exact words. Reported speech intermediate b1b2 this worksheet teaches reported speech. I said to him, are you going to file a complaint i said to him that if he was going to file a complaint. Tense changes when using reported speech english grammar. Nov 08, 2016 the pdf file contains the exercises and the key.

Susan said that her parents were clever scientists. When reporting speech is used the tense usually has to be changed. This grammar exercise tests your ability to use reported speech correctly. Traditionally, two broad categories of reported speech have been recognized. Reported speech free download as powerpoint presentation. When the main idea of a speakers words is reported by another person and the exact words are not quoted, it is called indirect speech or reported speech. We use reported speech to retell what someone told us earlier. The messengers should listen at least twice to the conversers, then go across the room to the recreators and tell them what they overheard, using reported speech. Page 1 direct and indirect speech rules pdf table of contents identify reported speech and reported speech direct and indirect speech punctuation rules use of conjunction that rules for changing pronouns in indirect speech indirect speech rules for all tenses rules for change in time and adverb in indirect speech.

Really understand the english tenses with my tenses pdfs. Reported speech definition in the cambridge english dictionary. Reported speech also called indirect speech is used to communicate what someone else said, but without using the exact words. However, a number of linguists have challenged this distinction, noting among other things that theres. The other one that is out of quoted marks, is called reporting speech. This is because when we use reported speech, we are usually talking about a time in the past that is why verbs usually have. Changes of tenses, time and place in reported speech. This work is licensed under a creative commons attribution noncommercial noderivatives 4. Mother said to the daughter, go and change your dress. Then do these exercises to check your understanding of reported speech.

Reported speech, which is also known as indirect speech, conveys the meaning of what was said earlier without a wordforword quote. Say vs tell exercises subjunctive that clause reported speech examples 1 1. How to use reported questions in english grammar reference. Reported speech we use reported speech when we want to tell someone what someone said. Reported speech is used to talk about things other people have said. Click on the english word to see information and examples of that word in use. One element of that is direct and indirect speech, or when you are speaking about what someone else has said. Note, however, that you might have to change the form of the present tense verb. Frank said that he wanted to take a vacation around the world. Using reported speech in english can sometimes be difficult for nonnative speakers as we usually change the verbs, pronouns and specific times. There is a related section in the 2002 reference grammar by huddleston and pullum et al. Reported speech english grammar today a reference to written and spoken english grammar and usage cambridge dictionary.

Richard nordquist is professor emeritus of rhetoric and english at georgia southern university and the author of several universitylevel grammar and composition textbooks. Instead of introducing this topic using a range of different tenses, stick with a very simple structure for this first lesson. In the first exercise, students match the reported questions with the direct questions in the second exercise, students should report the questions in the third exercise, students transform the reported questions into direct questions. Later, maybe we want to tell someone else what the first person said. English grammar reported speech 3 all those changes represent the distancing effect of the reported speech. We explained, it could be difficult to find our house. For pronouns, tenses and place time expressions see statements in reported speech. Grammar worksheet reported speech from present simple statements write the sentences using reported speech with answer key and grammar note on page 2 intermediate level approximately 10 15 minutes. In the second exercise, students should report the questions. In the first exercise, students match the reported questions with the direct questions. Besides, note that instead of that you use the interrogative. Jun 08, 2017 we often make a speakers words or thoughts part of our own sentence, using conjunctions e.

A complete grammar lesson explaining the use, changes of tense, pronouns, adverbs of time and place with examples. Frank said, i want to take a vacation around the world. Identify reported speech and reported speech before you move further, you must know the parts of direct speech. Reported speech rules and exercises for intermediate level. Tense changes when using reported speech english grammar ef. Change these direct questions into reported speech. Quotation marks or inverted commas are used for direct speech. Reported questions learn this grammar games to learn. Home english grammar lessons indirect speech reported speech tense shift print exercises and lessons. In reported speech, you often have to change the pronoun depending on who says what.

Questions in reported speech english grammar online. Reported speech also called indirect speech is used to communicate what someone else said, think or believe, but without using the exact words. Indirect speech sometimes called reported speech, doesnt use quotation marks to enclose what the person said and it doesnt have to be word for word. Other people regard reported speech simply as one form of indirect speech. Section 20 indirect speech page 281 language notes the explanations and exercises here are provided for students who really need them. Indirect reported speech, doesnt use quotation marks to show what the person said and it doesnt have to be the exact words as what the person said. The worksheet is suitable for both classroom practice and selfstudy. For exercises, you can reveal the answers first submit worksheet and print the page to have the exercise and the answers. We explained that it could be difficult to find our house. Keep reading to understand how to use reported speech and download this free. Reported speech is called indirect speech by some people. I asked him whether he was going to file a complaint.

The part that is inside the quotation marks, is called reported speech. Click here for a list of reported speech exercises. Note speech recognition using a custom constraint is performed on the device. Note, however, that you might have to change the form of the present.

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